Friday, November 18, 2011

What can a dream about a garden full or roses mean?

Last night I dreamed that I was in a garden full of roses, nothing happened, I just walked around. There were only roses and grass...

Does this mean anything? Or was it just a nice dream?

What can a dream about a garden full or roses mean?
Perhaps, you have Spring Fever and desire more than the grimness of Winter.
Reply:Roses symbolize love. Are you in love? Married? Maybe it means you're about to find love. :)
Reply:Some say dreams are sent from a higher entity in order to guide us to what would make us happier. It depends on what importance You place in dreams and if they contain things that are in Your real world. Perhaps it's a look at the garden of Edan
Reply:roses are a symbol of love. it can mean that you're in love or about to be in love. or it could be just a nice dream. actually, if you go deeper and look at the color of the roses, you can see if it would symbolize friendship, etc.
Reply:You're happy, it's a good time to find a lover. Beauty, perfection. Good Luck.

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