Saturday, November 14, 2009

Anyone can give me an idea how to carefully transfer my roses?

from the smaller pot to the 24" pot? since this is my first time planting roses.

Anyone can give me an idea how to carefully transfer my roses?
try to follow the instructions--

Good luck!
Reply:you need to get a good root ball when you move them. and water really well no is the time to do it.
Reply:Just make sure you get ALL the roots.....

Water them in afterwards....
Reply:Make sure you have crocking in the bottom of your new pot for good drainage. Add an inch or two of potting soil to the bottom of the new pot.

Hold the rose at the base of the stem between your index and middle finger. Tip the pot upside down and tap gently with the other hand on the bottom of the pot until it slides out.

Plant in the new pot and add compost making sure you press down around the rose to fill any air gaps. Put a little fresh compost on the top of the pot around the rose to barely cover the original level. Water in with a little feed.
Reply:Place your small pot upside down on an elevated wall and gently knock all the sides of pot. the entire plant will come out easily with roots intact. Then transfer to big pot.

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